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UKCRC Health Research Classification System


Main inclusion criteria

Haematological diseases, anaemia, clotting (including thromboses and venous embolisms) and normal development and function of platelets and erythrocytes


Advice on health categories

Not all haemopoietic cells or ‘blood cells’ are erythrocytes (red blood cells). This term is often used to encompass lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes and other white cell types. Check the context of the research.

e.g. if the research relates to leukaemia it will be referring to lymphocytes etc. and not to erythrocytes and therefore should be coded as Cancer and not be coded as Blood.

Studies investigating blood flow to the brain should be coded as Stroke.

Blood clots (thromboses) can lead to wider cardiovascular complications and stroke. In these circumstances code to the primary condition of focus ignoring pathogenesis, but following rules for sequelae where appropriate.


Official terminology

Full name of category

Short name Unique ID
Blood Blood



Related external links

International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10 v2016) – Chapter III:   Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism (D50-D89)


The Health Categories dimension of the HRCS captures the area of health or disease being studied.

There are 21 separate categories which encompass all diseases, conditions and areas of health. Each of the Health Categories includes research into both disease and normal function.

e.g. studies of normal hepatic function and studies of liver cirrhosis will both be classified in the Oral and Gastrointestinal category.

Of the 21 categories, 19 refer to specific areas of health or disease. The Generic Health Relevance category has been included to capture research that is relevant to all diseases and conditions or to general health and well-being. The Disputed Aetiology and Other category is included to code research that does not fit within the Generic Health Relevance category or the 19 health specific categories.

For more advice, see our General Approach to Coding and Assigning Health Categories pages.

The Health Categories are based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes which cover all areas of disease and ill health.

Summary of health categories
