2.2 Factors relating to physical environment
Main inclusion criteria
Environmental or external factors associated with the cause, risk or development of disease, conditions or ill health including:
- physical agents, occupational hazards, environmental surroundings, radiation and pollution
- chemicals and nutrients
- infection by pathogens and studies of infectious agents
Advice on research activities
Involves characterising or identifying environmental or external factors that are determinants in the cause of conditions or disease e.g. studies of infectious agents.
Many studies will involve investigating the impact of environmental factors on biological systems. It may be appropriate to code to both 2.1 Endogenous risks as well as 2.2 Physical risks if the study involves investigating both the external agent and the biological response to that agent.
Excludes studies of infection with prion protein which should be coded as 2.1 Endogenous risks.
Excludes characterisation of antibiotic resistance genes and mechanisms in bacteria which should be coded as 5.1 Pharmaceuticals.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
2.2 Factors relating to the physical environment | 2.2 Physical risks |
HRCS_RA_2_2 |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 2.1 Exogenous Factors in the origin and cause of cancer
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 2.3 Interactions of Genes and/or Genetic Polymorphisms with Exogenous and/or Endogenous Factors
Main inclusion criteria
Identification and characterisation of endogenous factors known or suspected to be involved in the cause, risk or development of disease, conditions or ill health including
- genes and gene products, molecular, cellular and physiological structures and functions
- biological factors linked to ethnicity, age, gender, pregnancy and body weight
- endogenous biological factors or pathways involved in responses to infection or damage by external factors
- metastases, degenerative processes, regeneration and repair
- complications, reoccurrence and secondary conditions
- bioinformatics and structural studies
- development and characterisation of models
Advice on research activities
To be used to code all biological causes of disease including the following
- Host cell biological responses to infection
- prion/TSE aetiological studies
- ischemic preconditioning
Characterisation of pathways to identify candidates that may potentially be used as diagnostic markers should be coded as 2.1 Endogenous risks and not 4.1 Marker discovery.
Characterisation of the biological cause of psychological conditions should be coded as 2.1. However 2.3 Psychological risks can also be used if the study includes investigation of symptoms and characteristics of the psychological condition.
Awards that are focused on therapeutic development or diagnostics will often yield information about the mechanism of a disease. However, this is generally a secondary outcome and shouldn’t be coded 2.1 unless this is clearly stated as one of the primary objective of the research.
Excludes basic immune and pain responses and wound healing studies that are not linked to a specific disease/condition stimulus and normal ageing or pregnancy not linked to a condition which should be coded as 1.1 Biological normal function.
Excludes normal cell cycle and normal DNA repair and replication which should be coded as 1.1 Biological.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
2.1 Biological and endogenous factors | 2.1 Endogenous risks |
HRCS_RA_2_1 |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 1.2 Cancer Initiation: Alterations in Chromosomes
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 1.3 Cancer Initiation: Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressor Genes
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 1.4 Cancer Progression and Metastasis
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 2.2 Endogenous Factors in the origin and cause of cancer
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 2.3 Interactions of Genes and/or Genetic Polymorphisms with Exogenous and/or Endogenous Factors
Main inclusion criteria
- development and/or distribution of resources for use by the research community including equipment, cell lines, DNA banks, and genomic and proteomic sequence resources
- infrastructure to support research networks, consortia and centres
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
1.5 Resources and infrastructure (underpinning) | 1.5 Resources |
HRCS_RA_1_5 |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 1.5 Resources and Infrastructure
Main inclusion criteria
Development of novel underpinning research measures and analytical methodologies including
- development of statistical methods and algorithms for genomic analysis
- development of mapping methodologies and novel data comparison methods
- development of biological, psychological and socioeconomic research measures
Advice on research activities
Methodologies and measurements linked to normal functions. This code may include algorithms for informatics research.
Includes the development and publication on the web of these tools as an outcome of a research project – this is not considered a resource for the community and shouldn’t be coded as 1.5 Underpinning resources.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
1.4 Methodologies and measurements | 1.4 Methods |
HRCS_RA_1_4 |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 1.5 Resources and Infrastructure
Main inclusion criteria
Research in chemical and physical sciences that may lead to the future development of diagnostic tools or medical treatments including
- bioengineering and biophysics
- chemical structures, interactions and properties
- molecular modelling
- material science
Advice on research activities
For coding all basic chemical, physical and bioengineering research including development of therapeutics or diagnostics underpinning 4 Detection and Diagnosis or 5 Treatment Development code groups.
Excludes crystal structural studies of normal proteins which should be coded as 1.1 Biological.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
1.3 Chemical and physical sciences | 1.3 Physical |
HRCS_RA_1_3 |
Main inclusion criteria
Studies that do not address health directly but cover issues that may have a bearing on health and well-being including
- perception, cognition and learning processes
- social and cultural beliefs
- individual or group characteristics and behaviours
- politics, economies and urban development
- development and characterisation of model systems
Advice on research activities
This includes all normal psychological studies of behaviour, memory and cognitive processes. If the study also involves mapping brain structure it should be double coded 1.1 Biological and 1.2 Psychological and, correspondingly, 50% Neurological and 50% Mental Health.
Excludes studies investigating psychological disorders, however it may be appropriate for studies using patients as controls to understand normal function.
Official terminology
Full Name |
Short Name | Unique ID |
1.2 Psychological and socioeconomic processes | 1.2 Psychological |
HRCS_RA_1_2 |
Main inclusion criteria
Testing and evaluation of therapeutic interventions in clinical, community or applied settings.
Advice on research activities
Research coded within this code group should involve patients in the testing and evaluation of therapies or be in a clinical or applied setting.
Note not all trial evaluation is in 6 Treatment Evaluation, only if the trial relates to treatment evaluation.
Clinical trials in this category will often involve an economic evaluation and quality of life component. Unless one of the primary aims of these trials is assessing quality of life or health economics, just code for the therapy under investigation.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
6 Evaluation of treatments and therapeutic interventions | 6 Treatment evaluation |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 5 Treatment
Summary of Treatment Evaluation sub-codes
6.1 Pharmaceuticals
Clinical application and evaluation of pharmaceutical small molecules, therapeutic vaccines, antibodies and hormones in humans including:
- small scale settings and pilot studies
- phase I, II, III and IV trials
- assessing sensitivity, efficacy, specificity, relapse, survival, therapeutic value, pharmacokinetics, reproducibility and safety
- studies monitoring response, outcome, drug resistance and side effects
6.2 Cellular and gene therapies
Clinical application and evaluation of cellular, tissue and gene therapies in humans including:
- small scale and pilot studies
- phase I, II, III and IV trials
- gene therapy, stem cell therapy, in vitro fertilisation, tissue engineering
- Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT)
- evaluation of applied delivery systems
6.3 Medical devices
Application and evaluation of medical devices in humans in a clinical, community or applied setting including:
- implantable devices, mobility aids, dressings, medical equipment and prostheses
- validation of design and post market surveillance
6.4 Surgery
Clinical and applied application and evaluation of surgical, obstetric and dental interventions in humans including:
- small scale and pilot studies
- phase I, II, III and IV trials
- procedures including organ and bone marrow transplantation, tissue grafts and transfusions
- monitoring outcomes, side effects and rejection
6.5 Radiotherapy and other non-invasive therapies
Clinical application and evaluation of interventions in humans including:
- small scale and pilot studies
- phase I, II, III and IV trials
- radiotherapy, radioimmunotherapy and radiosensitisers, microwaves, ultrasound, laser and phototherapy
- monitoring side effects
6.6 Psychological and behavioural
Application and evaluation of psychological and behavioural interventions in humans in clinical, community and applied settings including:
- phase I, II, III and IV trials
- cognitive behavioural therapy, electro-convulsive therapy, counselling, therapy and social interventions
6.7 Physical
Testing and evaluation of physical interventions in humans in a clinical, community or applied setting including:
- physical therapies, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dietetics, osteopathy and exercise
6.8 Complementary
All aspects of testing, evaluation and provision of complementary approaches to conventional medicine in humans in a clinical, community or applied setting including:
- hypnotherapy, massage, acupuncture and homeopathy
- issues relating to health and social services and health care delivery
- attitudes and beliefs of patients and health care professionals
6.9 Resources and infrastructure (treatment evaluation)
- provision and distribution of resources related to clinical and applied therapeutic interventions
- infrastructure support for clinical and applied research networks and trials, consortia and centres
Main inclusion criteria
Research into the provision and delivery of health and social care services, health policy and studies of research design, measurements and methodologies.
Advice on research activities
Encompasses all research on the provision and delivery of health and social care services. It includes health care delivery and organisation from a health service perspective.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
8 Health and social care services research | 8 Health services |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 6 Cancer Control, Survival and Outcomes Research
Summary of Health Services sub-codes:
8.1 Organisation and delivery of services
Examining the organisation and provision of health and social care services and evaluating factors affecting the quality of care, including:
- workforce and career issues
- organisation and management of services
- access to health and social care and geographical variations in outcomes
- effectiveness of different care settings and models of service delivery
- evaluating quality of care including patient safety issues
- evaluation of experiences of service users
- assessment of current and future health care demands
- development and evaluation of interventions to improve services
8.2 Health and welfare economics
Economic evaluation of health and social care interventions and delivery including:
- cost-benefit analysis of services including economic modelling
- cost effectiveness or economic feasibility of implementing new interventions or technologies within health services
- economic assessment of service productivity and outcomes
- health care costs
- development and evaluation of economic models of health care
8.3 Policy, ethics and research governance
- evaluation of local, regional and national healthcare policy
- impact of legislation
- synthesis and evaluation of evidence to inform policy
- dissemination and implementation of research evidence
- research ethics including use of personal data and biological material, consent and confidentiality
- research governance and regulation processes including interpretation of guidelines
- issues surrounding research subjects and donor recruitment
8.4 Research design and methodologies (health services)
Development of research designs and novel methodologies for health care including treatment, management and health services research, including:
- analytical innovation, methodological research, statistical methods and modelling
- development of research measurements including outcome measures
- development of methods of research assessment and evaluation
- development and evaluation of research designs and methodologies
8.5 Resources and infrastructure (health services)
- development and/or distribution of resources for general use by the research community including equipment, cell lines, tissue and DNA banks, and genomic and proteomic sequence resources
- infrastructure to support research networks, consortia and centres
Main inclusion criteria
Research into individual care needs and management of disease, conditions or ill health.
Advice on research activities
This code group is about management of disease from an individual and not an institutional or organisational perspective. There occasionally may be overlap with 8 Health Services and this should be double coded as appropriate.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
7 Management of diseases and conditions | 7 Disease management |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 6 Cancer Control, Survivorship, and Outcomes Research
Summary of Disease Management sub-codes
7.1 Individual care needs
Studies of patients and service user care needs including:
- quality of life, management of acute and chronic symptoms, management of side effects, rehabilitation, long term morbidity and reproductive issues
- psychological impact of illness
- social and economic consequences of ill health
- behaviour affecting disease management including secondary prevention, compliance to treatment and attitudes and beliefs relating to seeking treatment
- assessment of social care and health services needs
- educational or communication interventions to promote self-care or improve health care by carers
- impact on carers
7.2 End of life care
Studies involving all issues related to palliative care and end of life care including:
- assessment of patient, service user and carer needs
- provision and evaluation of palliative and end of life care services
- quality of life for patients and carers
- evaluation of interventions for health and social care professionals
- social, economic and policy issues
- pain management for terminally ill people
- bereavement
7.3 Management and decision making
Studies into all aspects of the management of diseases, ill health and conditions by health and social care professionals, including:
- attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of health and social care professionals
- investigation of decision making including factors influencing diagnosis, treatment, referral and management strategies
- educational interventions and communication practices
- development of guidelines, interventions or models to assist decision making and management, including identifying symptoms, predicting outcomes and identifying individuals at risk
- testing and evaluating management regimes and strategies
7.4 Resources and infrastructure (disease management)
- development and/or distribution of resources and equipment for use by the community including informatics systems
- infrastructure support for trials, networks, consortia and centres
Main inclusion criteria
Discovery and development of therapeutic interventions and testing in model systems and preclinical settings.
Advice on research activities
Should be used for development and characterisation of treatments and includes patient samples if they are being used in the treatment development phase.
Treatment development is not just ‘bench to bedside’ but can also be ‘bedside to bench’.
Official terminology
Full name of code |
Short name | Unique ID |
5 Development of treatments and therapeutic interventions | 5 Treatment development |
Related external links
Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 5 Treatment
Summary of Treatment Development sub-codes
5.1 Pharmaceuticals
Identification and development of pharmaceutical small molecules, therapeutic vaccines, antibodies and hormones including:
- drug screening and development of delivery systems
- mechanism of action including side effects and drug resistance
- pharmacogenetics, prediction of genetic variation and responses to drugs
- testing in in vitro and in vivo model systems
5.2 Cellular and gene therapies
Discovery and development of cellular, tissue and gene therapies including:
- gene therapy, stem cells therapy, in vitro fertilisation and tissue engineering
- Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT)
- development of delivery systems
- development of culture systems
- testing in in vitro and in vivo model systems
5.3 Medical devices
Discovery and development of medical devices including:
- implantable devices, mobility aids, dressings, medical equipment and prostheses
- biological safety assessments and investigation of adverse events
- sterilisation and decontamination of equipment or surfaces
- testing in in vitro and in vivo model systems
5.4 Surgery
Development of surgical, obstetric and dental interventions including:
- histocompatability, transfusions, transplantations including xenograft studies and bone marrow transplants
- mechanisms of recovery, tolerance, rejection and side effects including infection
- testing in in vitro and in vivo model systems
5.5 Radiotherapy and other non-invasive therapies
Discovery and development of interventions including:
- radiobiology, radiotherapy, radioimmunotherapy, radiosensitisers, microwaves, ultrasound, laser and phototherapy
- development of delivery systems
- investigation of mechanisms of action and side effects
- testing in in vitro and in vivo model systems
5.6 Psychological and behavioural
Development of psychological and behavioural interventions including:
- cognitive behavioural therapy, electro-convulsive therapy, counselling, therapy and social interventions
- testing in model systems
5.7 Physical
Development of physical interventions including:
- physical therapies, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dietetics, exercise and osteopathy
- mechanisms of action
- testing in model systems
5.8 Complementary
Discovery and development of complementary approaches to conventional medical therapies including:
- hypnotherapy, meditation, massage, acupuncture and homeopathy
- mechanisms of action
- testing in model systems
5.9 Resources and infrastructure (treatment development)
- development and/or distribution of resources for general use by the research community including equipment, cell lines, tissue and DNA banks
- infrastructure support for networks, consortia and centres