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UKCRC Health Research Classification System

6.6 Psychological and behavioural

Main inclusion criteria

Application and evaluation of psychological and behavioural interventions in humans in clinical, community and applied settings including:

  • phase I, II, III and IV trials
  • cognitive behavioural therapy, electro-convulsive therapy, counselling, therapy and social interventions


Advice on research activities

It is difficult to develop behavioural and psychological interventions without involvement of human participants.

Use 5.6 Psychological and Behavioural for studies involving the development and testing of new behavioural therapies and psychological interventions in pre-clinical and model settings.

Examples include preliminary qualitative work (e.g. literature reviews, discussions with patients and practitioners) development of the techniques/technologies to be used in the therapy (e.g. questionnaires, computer programmes). Testing may involve human participants and still considered treatment development if few in number, involve volunteers (not patients), and/or are clearly identified as preceding formal pilot studies and clinical trials.

Use 6.6 Psychological and Behavioural for studies involving human participants in direct clinical applications.

These will typically involve both pilot studies on small numbers of patients to assess viability of new treatments, and larger phase I-IV clinical trials which formally evaluate new or modified treatments against existing procedures.


Official terminology

Full name of code

Short name Unique ID
6.6 Psychological and behavioural 6.6 Psychological



Related external links

Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 5.6 Complementary and Alternative Treatment Approaches
