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UKCRC Health Research Classification System

Immunology and the immune system

Advice on research activities

Basic studies of the normal immune response are considered as normal function and should be coded within the 1 Underpinning code group.

However if a study of the immune system is associated with the cause, development, prevention, detection or treatment of a specific disease it should be assigned to the appropriate Research Activity code.


Main inclusion criteria

Research that underpins investigations into the cause, development, detection, treatment and management of diseases, conditions and ill health.


Advice on research activities

This code group is for all types of research into ‘normal’ functions and processes in ‘healthy’ humans or systems.

Excludes research where the main aims relate to investigation of the cause, development, prevention, detection, treatment or management of a disease or condition.

Official terminology

Full name of code

Short name Unique ID
1 Underpinning research 1 Underpinning



Related external links

Common Scientific Outline (CSO) – 1 Biology

Summary of Underpinning sub-codes
